Deep Space Nine Customs:
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These customs are mainly based off of the final 9 episodes of the show, called "The Final Chapter". In a moment of sanity, the writers for the show decided to tie up all the loose ends from a number of the previous episodes. They brought back tons of our favorite characters and told us where they were going, in the future. Some died, others were promoted, others kept their day jobs. But nothing was left to imagination. I really liked those last 9 shows so I have made these customs to prove it.
Dr. Bashir and Ezri Dax
Together at last! |
Chief O'Brien and Ensign Nog
Commander Kira and Captain Sisko
Kira is called upon to help train the Cardassian rebels. In an attempt to show greater strengh, she wore a Star Fleet Unifrom on the mission. |
Transporter Dax
This figure is either how she appeared in the 6th Season on the Tansporter or as a ghost from the 7th Season
Rom in Bajorian Uniform
Ezri Dax as Breen Prisoner
Tain, Head of the Obsidian Order and Garak's Father
Mila, Garak's House Keeper

M'Haridu, Zek's Silent Servant
Coming Soon: Moogie and Zek to go with thier faithful servant. |
The Female Founder
"The Founder is Wise!"